Sur Nava Dhyas Nava Finale Voting T&C


The VOTING RULES AND REGULATIONS as contained herein shall be binding on each and every individual, who participates in voting activity (“Poll”) of the program titled “Sur Nava Dhyas Nava- Season 4-Asha Udyachi” (“Program”) by casting his/her vote, using the Voting Mechanism (as defined below), for the Participants (as defined below) competing in the finale of the Program being aired on “Colors Marathi”, (hereinafter referred to as “Channel”), being owned and operated by Viacom18 Media Private Limited (“Viacom18”). The Principal Voting Rules and Regulations and General Rules (hereinafter collectively referred to as “Rules and Regulations”) are stated hereunder:


1. The Program is a talent hunt reality show wherein the participants will showcase their singing talents and compete against each other to be crowned as the ultimate winner of the Program. (“Participants”). In every episode of the Program the performances rendered by the Participants will be judged and scored by a panel of judges. Thereafter, during the Voting Cycle (as defined below) viewers of the Program will have a chance to cast their vote(s) through the Voting Mechanism (as defined below) or such other means/mechanism as communicated to them by the Channel, and rate to performances rendered by the Participants in each episode of the Program. The Participant who receives the maximum number of votes from the viewers through the Poll and the maximum score from the judges will be declared as the “Winner” of the Program.

It is hereby clarified that the selection/elimination process is subject to change at the sole discretion of the Channel and Viacom18.

2. The telecast of the episodes of the Program with 6 (six) Participant(s) shall commence from May 26, 2021 and shall continue until June 2, 2021 or such other duration as decided by the Channel. (“Period”). Commencing May 26, 2021 episodes of the Program will be telecast on the Channel till 13th June, 2021 at 9:30 PM or such other date as decided by the Channel.
Viacom18 and/or the Channel reserves the right to change the dates, the timings and days of telecast of the episode(s) of the Program, without giving any prior intimation to the viewers.
The votes for the Participant(s) of the episodes of the Program should be sent only during the timelines, as stated under Rule 8 below. Votes sent outside the Voting Cycle (as defined below), shall not be considered and shall be deemed null and void.

3. To participate in the Poll, the viewers must watch the Program telecast on the Channel as per the schedule as mentioned under Rule No. 2 wherein the viewers will get an opportunity to cast their vote for any of the Participant of their choice (as mentioned in Rule 1) in a manner as detailed in Rule 6 below.

4. Viewers interested in casting their votes for a Participant can cast their vote during the Voting Start Time and Voting End Time of the Program (as mentioned in Rule 8), by/ in the manner stated below:

(a).Internet Mechanism: By logging into “” (“Website”) and following the instructions as mentioned on the Website, a viewer interested to cast his/her vote, may cast the vote as more particularly detailed in Rule 5 below;

(b). Application Mechanism: By downloading Voot Application (“Application”) on any compatible device, a viewer interested to cast his/her vote, may cast the vote as more particularly detailed in Rule 7 below.

(c). Facebook Mechanism: By logging into (‘Facebook Page”) a viewer interested to cast his/her vote, may cast the vote as more particularly detailed in Rule 6 below.

Internet Mechanism, Application Mechanism and Facebook Mechanism shall hereinafter be collectively referred to as “Voting Mechanism”.

5. Viewer(s) interested to cast his/her vote through the Internet Mechanism, will be subject to the following rules:

5.1 Only viewers residing in India can participate through the Internet Mechanism;

5.2 The viewer needs to visit the Website and as per the details/instructions mentioned therein should login by using either his/her Facebook or Gmail or any other email ID. If a viewer does not have an existing user ID and password, he/she can create a new valid email ID by entering the mandatory fields required therein;

5.3 Once the viewer successfully logs into the voting portal/ the required page of the Website, he/she can cast his/her vote for his/her desired Participant(s) for each episode of the Program, as per the details mentioned on the Website and Rules and Regulations mentioned herein.

5.4 After casting the vote, as per the Rules and Regulations mentioned herein, the viewer should ensure to sign out/log out of the voting portal/Website (as applicable) without fail. Any failure to vote or unauthorized usage of the voting portal by any third party through the viewer’s login ID, will not be considered by Viacom18 or the Channel to allow a viewer to vote again or withdraw any vote.

5.5 The viewer will not be charged to login on the voting portal of the Website to cast the vote, however, there may be costs levied, at the applicable rate, by the respective network provider(s) for using internet connection to participate in the Poll; the viewer shall solely be responsible to check such costs levied on the usage of internet and pay the respective costs at his/her end and Viacom18 and/or the Channel shall not in any manner whatsoever be responsible to pay such cots/charges.

6. Viewer(s) interested to cast his/her vote through the Facebook Page Mechanism, will be subject to the following rules:

6.1 Viewers from the entire world can participate through the Facebook Page Mechanism and having a valid Facebook account can participate through Facebook Page Mechanism;

6.2 Viewer(s) need to login to their Facebook accounts to cast his/her vote.
6.3 Once the viewer successfully logs into the Facebook account, he/she can cast his/her vote for his/her desired Participant(s) for each episode of the Program, through the poll on the Facebook Page.

6.4 After casting the vote, the viewer should ensure to sign out/log out of the voting portal (as applicable) without fail. Any failure to vote or unauthorized usage of the voting portal by any third party through the viewer’s user/login ID, will not be considered by Viacom18 or the Channel to allow a viewer to vote again or withdraw any vote.

7. Viewer(s) interested to cast his/her vote through the Application Mechanism, will be subject to the following rules:

7.1 Only viewers residing in India and having a valid e-mail ID or Facebook account can participate through Application Mechanism;

7.2 Viewer(s) need to mandatorily download the Application (iOS and/or Android) to cast his/her vote using the Application Mechanism.

7.3 After duly downloading the Application, the viewer needs to login either by using his/her Facebook or Gmail login ID(s). If a viewer does not have an existing user/login ID and password, he/she can create a new user/login ID by entering the mandatory fields required therein including a valid e-mail ID.

7.4 Once the viewer successfully logs into the Application, he/she can cast his/her vote for his/her desired Participant(s) for each episode of the Program, as per the details mentioned on the Application and Rules and Regulations mentioned herein.

7.5 After casting the vote, as per the Rules and Regulations mentioned herein, the viewer should ensure to sign out/log out of the Application/voting portal (as applicable) without fail. Any failure to vote or unauthorized usage of the Application/voting portal by any third party through the viewer’s user/login ID, will not be considered by Viacom18 or the Channel to allow a viewer to vote again or withdraw any vote.

8. Viewer(s) interested in voting for the Participant(s) of the Program, must send in their entries within the time period stated herein below:

Voting Start Date Voting Start Time(as per Indian Standard Time) Voting End Date Voting End Time (as per Indian Standard Time)
May 26, 2021 10: 30 PM June 2, 2021 2 PM.

For the period starting from Voting Start Date and Time and ending on Voting End Date and Time will be considered as voting cycle of the Program (“Voting Cycle”). Such Voting Cycle is subject to change at the sole discretion of the Channel/Viacom18.

9. Votes sent by the viewer(s) for the Participant(s) after the Voting Cycle, will receive an acknowledgement for their votes cast however such votes shall not be considered and shall be null and void.

10. Viewer(s) can cast their votes only for those Participant(s) who are participating in the episodes the Program. Any votes sent by the viewers for any Participant/Participant(s) who are not participating in that grand finale episodes of the Program, will not be considered and shall be null and void.

11. The viewer(s) using the Internet Mechanism and Application Mechanism understand that as per the Rules and Regulations, through each registered email ID, a viewer can cast a maximum of 99 (ninety-nine) votes during the entire Voting Cycle. Any vote cast beyond the aforesaid limit of 99 (ninety-nine) votes shall not be counted and will be considered null and void.Further, viewer(s) using the Facebook Mechanism understand that as per the Rules and Regulations, through each registered email ID, a viewer can cast a maximum of 1 (one) vote during the entire Voting Cycle.

12. While the viewers participating in the Poll may receive an acknowledgment of receipt of his/her vote cast through the Voting Mechanism, such vote(s) will be deemed to have been received and considered for counting only when such vote(s) duly reaches the server(s) where the Website and Facebook Page are hosted, respectively. Any unclear/incorrect/incomplete vote or absence of valid user and e-mail id, incomplete vote, incomplete keyword of Participant(s), shall be considered invalid vote and deemed null and void.

13. Neither Viacom18 nor the Channel shall be responsible in case of any kind of network problem, technical failure whatsoever and/or the data charges/costs charged by the network operator(s) and/or any other problems which may occur due to the failure of the Voting Mechanism or misuse of the Voting Mechanism or any kind of problems in relation thereto. Any dispute in relation to the same should be settled directly between the viewer/subscriber and the operator(s) without involving Viacom18 and/or the Channel in any manner.

14. Neither Viacom18 nor the Channel shall be responsible for any unauthorized access to user data and/or for any compromise on private / confidential user related, or any other data, including but not limiting to user ids, email address, names, or any other user related details.

15. In case of any network failure, technical problem and/or for any reasons whatsoever, Viacom18 reserves the right to change the voting system/Voting Mechanism and/or cease from accepting votes of the viewer(s) for any and/or all the episode(s) of the Program, or take such necessary steps as it may deem fit.

16. Upon the viewer’s voting for the favorite Participant, the user and email id from which the viewer(s) has voted during the Voting Cycle would get registered with Viacom18, which will then be collated to calculate the total number of votes received for each Participant(s).

17. Viacom18 shall have the sole discretion to bring any eliminated Participant/Participant(s) back in the Program as a wild card entry for participation in the further weeks of the Program and thereafter such wild card entry shall be subject to the voting pattern stated in this Rules and Regulations. In no event shall the Participant(s) or the viewer(s) dispute the decision made by Viacom18 and/or the Channel in this regard.

18. It is expressly stated that this is a Poll to enable the viewers to send in their votes to decide the Winner of the Program. Therefore, there shall be no winners declared or prizes distributed for participating in the voting Poll.

19. All the entries should state all the required information, which have been asked from them and/or otherwise.

20. The declaration of the Winner of the Program and/or the decisions made by judges of the Program, Viacom18 and/or the Channel shall be final and binding and in no event, shall the viewer(s) dispute the decision made by Viacom18 and/or the Channel.

General Rules

1. Viacom18 or the Channel reserves all rights to make amendments to the existing Rules and Regulations of the Poll, and/or withdraw the Poll and/or, change the schedule of the episodes of the Program and/or, Participant(s) of the Program and/or the Voting Mechanism and/or any other details of the Program etc., at any time, without any prior notice to the viewer(s). It shall be the sole responsibility of the viewer(s) to check the Rules and Regulations of the voting Poll for the Program on the Website.

2. The viewer interested in participating in the Poll through the Internet Mechanism and Application Mechanism mentioned herein must be a resident of India whereas any viewer from the entire world interested can participate in the Poll via Facebook Page Mechanism.

3. The voter(s) of the Poll agrees that he/she shall hold harmless the Channel, Viacom18, its employees, officers or any other person in relation to any injury/damage/harm/loss suffered by him/her, in any manner, whatsoever in connection with the Poll and shall also not file in person/ through any family member and/or third party any applications, criminal and/or civil proceedings in any courts or forum anywhere in the World against the Channel and/or Viacom18 to claim any damages or reliefs or otherwise.

4. The Channel and/or Viacom18 is in no manner whatsoever responsible and/or shall not be held liable in any manner whatsoever, for any injury, death, mental trauma caused to the viewer/voter in any manner whatsoever, in connection to the Poll.

5. Viacom18 and/or the Channel reserves the right to disregard the vote(s) in the event Viacom18 observes any irregularity in the voting pattern of the vote(s) sent by the viewer(s) and/or if Viacom18 in its knowledge has reason to believe that the viewer(s) has acted in a fraudulent manner and/or engaged in any deceitful activity in sending the said vote(s).

6. Employees of and/or consultants of and/or persons hired on contract by the Channel, Viacom18 and the main sponsor(s) of the Program, if any, and the members of their immediate family are ineligible for voting for the Program through this Poll.

7. By the act of voting by the viewer(s) it is deemed that the viewers have gone through these Rules and Regulations and agrees that he/she shall hold harmless the Channel, Viacom18, its employees, officers or any other person in relation to any injury/damage/harm/loss suffered by him/her, in any manner, whatsoever in connection with the Program and/or otherwise and shall also not file in person and/or through any family member and/or third party any applications, criminal and/or civil proceedings in any courts or forum anywhere in the world against the Channel and/or Viacom18 to claim any costs, damages and/or relief’s or otherwise.

8. All decisions made by Viacom18 and/or the Channel shall be final and binding on all the viewers and in no event, shall the viewer and/or the voter shall dispute the decision made by Viacom18, Channel and/or its employees in connection to the same.

9. The decision(s) made by the Channel and/or Viacom18 regarding the Program shall be final and binding on all the viewers and in no event, shall the viewer(s) dispute the decision made by Viacom18, Channel and/or its employees in connection to the Program or otherwise.

10. Elimination of the Participant(s) and/or the decision(s) made by the Channel and/or Viacom18 regarding the Program shall be final and binding on all the viewers and in no event shall the viewer(s) dispute the decision made by Viacom18, Channel and/or its employees in connection to the Program or otherwise.

11. By voting it is deemed that the viewers have read, understood, accepted and agree to abide with all the rules and regulations of the Poll.

12. The terms of this Rules and Regulations shall be construed in accordance with the laws of India and the courts of Mumbai, India shall have the sole and exclusive jurisdiction.