The story of 'Kasturi' revolves around a young flower girl from a humble background. Kasturi is a kind-hearted and beloved member of her community, bringing happiness and strength to her family. She deeply cares for her brother, Nilesh, and constantly encourages him to study and excel in life. Nilesh, on the other hand, sees Kasturi as a motherly figure but seeks shortcuts to achieve success. Despite their differences, they share a strong bond as siblings. However, their lives take a turn when Kasturi encounters Samar, a young and ambitious local youth politician. As the story unfolds, Kasturi discovers some unsettling information that places her in a difficult position. She finds herself torn between her love and loyalty towards her brother and her sense of duty towards Samar. Watch the story of ‘Kasturi’ unfold every Monday – Saturday 10.30pm on Colors Marathi.