Antara-Malhar Sathi Khumasdar Ukhane Spardha (Sep 2021) – Participation T&C


The following are the terms and conditions governing the contest to be held in connection with fiction program ‘JEEV MAJHA GUNTALA’ telecasting at 8:30 pm (“Program”) conducted by “Colors Marathi” (“Channel”) in India hosted by Viacom18 Media Private Limited (“Viacom18”) tentatively titled Antara-Malhar Sathi Khumasdar Ukhane Spardha on the Channel (“Contest”). The Contest call of entries shall begin from 20th September, 2021 to 21th Sep 2021 and the Winners will be declared from 22nd September, 2021 to 25th September, 2021  (“Contest Term”) as communicated in the Contest promotion advertisement on the Channel and Channel Social Media Platforms.

The Contest invites interested persons to watch the Program on the Channel everyday and  participate by sending ‘ukhane’ i-e proverbial saying of covert significance during the wedding for ‘Antara & Malhar’, the lead characters of the Program along with their name  following all required mandates herein below (“Participant(s))”.

By participating it is deemed that the Participant(s) have read, understood, accepted and agree to unconditionally abide with all the Terms and Conditions of the Contest.

  1. Principle Rules

To participate in the Contest the Participant(s) shall follow the procedure as detailed below:

i)  Participant(s) must be citizens of India and viewer of the Channel at the start date of the Contest Term. The Participant(s) should not have criminal conviction or an arrangement or a contract that prevents the Participant(s) from participating in the Contest.

ii)  Employees of and/or consultants of and/or persons hired on contract by Viacom18 and the members of their immediate family are ineligible from participating in the Contest.

iii)  On 20th September, 2021 and 21st September, 2021 during the Contest Term Participants will be required to send their entries  by sending ‘ukhane’ i-e proverbial saying of covert significance during the wedding for ‘Antara & Malhar’, the lead characters of the Program along with the Participant’s full name and name of the city they are located at (“Entry(ies)”) as per the Answering Mechanism mentioned hereinbelow.

iv)  A Participant can send their entry on 20th September, 2021 and 21st September, 2021 (“Contest Window”).  Any entry that sent outside of the Contest Window shall not be considered and shall be deemed null and void.

  1. Answering Mechanism

Viewers interested in participating in the Contest may do so by sending their answers within the Contest Window as below

i)  Answering Mechanism: Participants can send the entry as a direct message on the Channel Facebook, Instagram and Twitter page and also on the comments section on the Contest post on the Channel Social Media Pages as given below:

Facebook –

Instagram –

Twitter –

ii)  Out of all the eligible Entries received within the Contest Window, the Channel shall select Participants as “Winner/Winner(s)” through random selection. Channel will select tentatively 10 to 15 Participant as Winner(s) for the Contest.

iii)  The decision of Channel and Viacom18 in selection of Winner(s) shall be final and binding in this regard. Each Entry shall be judged inter alia, on the basis of creativity of the Participant relevant to the Contest. The decision of Channel and Viacom18 is final and binding in this regard.

iv)  Such Winner(s) who fulfill all of the requirements set out in these Terms and Conditions including providing their full name, to the satisfaction of Viacom18, shall be declared/announced the Winner(s) from 23rd September, 2021 to 25rd September, 2021 and shall be entitled to the Prize (as defined below). Notwithstanding the foregoing Viacom18 reserves the right to modify the dates mentioned herein in any manner at its sole discretion.

v)  Each Winner(s) consent to the use of Participant’s full name and the place they are located at provided by the Participant for the purposes as set out in these Terms and Conditions. The Winner(s) shall at no time submit any third party’s name along with the Entry.

vi)  Any Entry with no Participant full name shall be invalid and forfeited. It is clarified that Viacom18 shall not be obligated to shortlist such forfeited Participant(s).

vii)  In case the winner announcement is postponed for whatsoever reasons, Viacom18 will not be held responsible.

viii)  Winners of the Contest shall win a chance to have their name’s and Entry be featured during the Program on the Channel and on Channel Social Media Pages anytime between the dates 22nd September, 2021 and 25th September, 2021 (“Prize”).

ix)  Non-conformance by the Participant(s) to any and all the Terms and Conditions herein or as set by Viacom18 from time to time will make such Participant’s Entry(ies) null and void.

3. General Rules: 

i)  Viacom18 reserves all rights to make amendments to the existing Terms and Conditions or withdraw the Contest without giving prior notice. It shall be the sole responsibility of the Participant(s) to check the Terms and Conditions of the Contest on the website of Viacom18 i.e.

ii)  Viacom18 may at its sole discretion extend or curtail the Period of the Contest or may suspend or abandon the same at any time without any prior notice of the same.

iii)  Entries sent after the Contest Window will not be considered for the Contest and shall be deemed null and void.

iv)  Participant(s) shall at all times ensure that the Entry adheres to the applicable laws in force in the territory of India.

v)  Participant(s) must enter the Contest on his/her own behalf and Entry(ies) by proxies will not be accepted. In the event that it is found that a Participant(s) has submitted proxy Entries Viacom18reserves the right to disqualify such Participant(s) from the Contest.

vi)  Each Entry shall be checked by Viacom18 inter alia, if the answer given is relevant, and follows the aforementioned rules. The decision of Viacom18 shall be final and binding. The Participant(s) agrees and confirms that the Participant(s) shall at no time challenge such decision of Viacom18and/or raise any claims or disputes in relation to the same.

vii)  Viacom18 shall not be responsible in the event Entries are not received due to any technical error of any nature whatsoever. For purposes of the Terms and Conditions, “receipt” of an Entry occurs when the Entry reached the server of the concerned platform. Any automated receipt confirmation does not constitute proof of actual receipt. Any unclear/incorrect/incomplete Entry, including wrong characters in Entry shall be considered invalid vote and deemed null and void.

viii)  The Participant(s) agree and confirm that Viacom18 shall at no time be held responsible and/or liable for any non-receipt of an Entry due to a technical error and/or defect in the functioning of the telecom server, and to the extent permissible in law, the Participant(s) waives his/ her right to initiate any claim, proceedings, actions, damages, suits, in relation to the same against Viacom18. Neither Viacom18 nor the Channel shall be responsible in case of any kind of network problem, technical failure whatsoever and/or the data charges/costs charged by the network operator(s). Any dispute in connection to the same should be settled directly between the viewer/subscriber and the operator(s) without involving Viacom18 and/or the Channel in any manner.

ix)  Viacom18 shall not be responsible or liable for any technical disruption and/or failure and/ or any other difficulties of such nature, due to which the Winner(s) is un-reachable or any technical disruption and/or failure/ and/ or any other difficulties of such nature, due to which Viacom18 is unable to intimate the Winner(s).

x)  Viacom18 reserves the right to disqualify any Participant(s) from participating in the Contest if the Participant(s) are found to be in breach of any provisions of these Terms and Conditions or as revised from time to time. The decision of Viacom18 in this regard shall be final and binding upon the Participant(s), and the Participant shall not at any time challenge and/or dispute such decision of Viacom18.

xi)  The Winner(s) agrees and confirms that the Prize so awarded by Viacom18 shall be the sole gratification/ prize pursuant to the Winner(s) participating and winning the Contest, and that the Winner(s) shall not be entitled to any further gratification at any time.

xii)  The Prize is non-transferrable and non-exchangeable. For the purpose of clarity, no cash equivalent or alternative prize will be given to the Winners (s).

xiii)  The Winner(s) agrees that he/she shall not hold Viacom18 and/or its employees, responsible for delays or any problem in connection to the Prize.

xiv)  Viacom18 is in no manner whatsoever responsible and/or shall not be held liable in any manner whatsoever, for any injury, death, mental trauma caused to the Participant(s) and/or the Winner in any manner whatsoever or for any reason whatsoever in connection to the Contest.

xv)  Viacom18 reserves the right to forfeit the Prize in the event it is found by Viacom18 that any information provided by the Participant(s) and/or the Winner is wrong, fraudulent or any misrepresentation is made by the Participant(s) and/or the Winner. Viacom18 shall have the right to declare another Participant(s) as the Winner of the Contest and transfer the Prize to that person.

xvi)  The Winner(s) shall do any and all acts and execute any and all documents in such manner and at such location as may be required by Viacom18in its sole and absolute discretion to protect, perfect or enforce any of the rights granted or confirmed to Viacom18.

xvii)  Each Participant(s)/Winner(s) consents to the use of information supplied by the Participant(s)/Winner(s) for the purposes as set out in these Terms and Conditions.

xviii)  The Participant(s) and/or the Winner(s) shall fully indemnify, defend and hold harmless, Viacom18its affiliates, officers, directors, employees and agents (collectively the “Indemnified Persons”) from and against any and all losses, claims, actions, damages, liabilities, penalties, costs and expenses, (including without limitation reasonable attorneys’ fees and court fees) (collectively “Losses”), that the Indemnified Person may incur or suffer or likely to incur or suffer as a result of or arising out any (i) breach of any terms and conditions hereunder; (ii) willful misconduct or negligent acts or omissions; (iii) any claims by any third party for any losses, damages, costs, expenses, injuries suffered by such third party, arising out of or in relation to the Participant(s) and/or the Winner(s) during the Contest and/or enjoyment of the Prize.

xix)  The Winner of the Contest agrees that he/she shall make himself/herself available from time to time and co-operate with Viacom18 and participate in any activity and/or campaign (“Promotional Activity”) of any nature whatsoever without any money payable to the Winner. Further, the Winner shall at no point of time refuse or disagree to participate in any such Promotional Activity for any reason whatsoever. The Winner agrees that the footage of any nature with regard to the Winner shall vest with Viacom18, including but not limited to all intellectual property rights and any other rights for worldwide and in perpetuity. The Winner further agrees that his/her recipe shall be used in any Promotional Activity on social media or otherwise.

xx)  By participating in the Contest, it shall be construed that the Participant(s) and/or the Winner has waived his/her right to raise any dispute with regard to the Contest and/or the Prize and/or any decision of Viacom18, in any manner whatsoever.

xxi)  In case of any dispute or other matter arising in reference to the Contest and/or the Prize the Courts having jurisdiction to adjudicate the same shall exclusively be the courts at Mumbai, Maharashtra, India.